Simply suggest a building!
We expect a lot of suggestions for missing tinker models. That is why we have introduced various service plans to speed up creation of a crafting set. This means that if someone supports the creation, the model will be available more quickly.
Standard Creation
US $649
Guaranteed creation of the desired building model within a period of 60 days.
Rapid Creation
US $869
Guaranteed creation of the desired building model within a period of 7 working days.
Each crafting model is by default designed in a reddish design. Companies can also accompany a model as a branding partner: in this case, the handicraft set is immersed in the client’s corporate design and you are getting usage rights for it, for example to display it on your website.
Creativity Leads to Results,
Results Lead to Visibility!
People from all over the world can individually design each model and then showcase them to others here online.
Teamwork at Its Best
From idea to conception, from conception to prototyping, from prototyping to production. What sounds easy to do took more than half a year to prepare. With the help of several testers, we have now found the right balance between complexity and difficulty for the models.
He had the idea.
Michael is a skyscraper lover. When crafting paper animals with his children, he had the idea for the architectural models.
He is organizing the project.
Kirill takes care of management and marketing. He is also responsible for the further development of the website.
He is supporting the project.
Dan has been interested in architecture for decades. When he heard about the idea, he was immediately enthusiastic about it.
She is leading sales.
Yasmin is in charge of marketing the handicraft models. The project would be inconceivable without the paying branding partners.
She is the design leader.
Gizem is the lead graphic artist behind the crafting models who created the initial designs up to the first released tinker sheets.
He is supporting the design.
Dylan is helping us get more designers on board. Otherweise we could not reach the amount of planned crafting models.